If you’re using Bearable then you’re probably interested in the things that improve or worsen your health. This might be that you want to know how your diet is impacting your sleep, or how a new treatment is affecting your symptoms.
There’s one type of report that does this better than any other: The Factor Effect Report.
The Factor Effect Report shows you the correlation between a Factor and your Health Outcomes such as Sleep, Symptoms, and Mood. This means you can see the things that correlate with improved and worsened moods, symptoms and sleep.
Essentially, it takes some of the work out having to hunt down those correlations for yourself.
The Factor Effect Reports can be accessed from a number of different places within the Insights tab (more on that below). However, the options remain the same regardless of which version you’re looking at.
Here’s a quick guide to the basics:
With all these tools at your disposal, you can find the Factors having the most significant effect on your Mood, Symptoms, & Sleep.
Remember, it’s important to be critical of the results. If something doesn’t seem right it’s important to question why.